Reacció was born on 24th July, 2015 by the initiative of a group of friends in Pego. Born and raised in La Marina Alta,the musical tradition wich surrounds the scene marked them,causing this project to emerge with great enthusiasm.
We debuted on the stages of the Valencian scene. After that, we presented what would be our first work "Més enllà de la por", where we tried to express as musicians, critics on our society and the situation we live in.
Time after going through several stages,gigs and festivals,we bring to life "5 de Pego", a cover from the La Gossa's song "3 de Pego" .This song marked us as musicians on the scene and opened new paths to follow in music.
We present our latest work "Paraules de Vidre".Marked by the evolution and growth of the gruop, this new work is presented to the public as a sample of what this project is now and what is capable of produce.